How did I misread your quote? I'll underline the key points...
["I would just like to keep this board as much according to
the real facts of the comics and movies as possible-- Ecks aka Chris
So according to the moderator I dont have to follow ONLY the movie version just because you dont know the comic book.
Right there you can clearly see that I said to
follow the rules of the movies and the comics, but you tried saying that I only wanted the rules from the movie, read it again before you try burning someone junior.]
Comic Callisto can sense mutations vs movie Callisto who could sense mutations and had super speed
Comic Wolverine's past is known vs Movie Wolverine whos history has yet to be completely written
Comic Pheonix is an alien life force vs Move Pheonix is a mutant
Comic Rouge never was romatically involved with Ice man vs Movie Rouge is in love with him.
Comic Juggernaut is Professor X's step-brother vs Movie Juggernaut who is not
Comic Jean had a clone when she first died vs Movie Jean who is now dead
Comic Lady Death Strike wants to avenge her father's death by kill Wolverine vs Movie LDS who is just a pawn.
Comic Mystique, Nightcrawler, and Rouge are family vs Movie Mystique, Nightcrawler, and Rouge having no ties
Comic Rouge was a bad guy vs Movie Rouge a runaway
Comic's Original X-Men are IceMan, Cyclopes, Beast, Jean Grey, and Angel vs Movie X-Men Cyclopes, Jean Grey, Wolverine, and Storm.
Comic Leech is a green skinned Morlock vs Movie Leech who is a bald "cure"
Comic Pyro is from Australia vs Movie Pyro an Xavier student
So tell me how to use both without contridicting the elements.
Comic Mutants are either powerful or not vs Movie Mutants having different levels
So by saying level ten I tried to conbine the two which apparently was soooooo wrong, naughty me
But whatever its so cool, My team doesnt have levels
We are just mutants.
I agree with Varalf. The debate is going no where. You dont believe your wrong and you have yet provided me any reason for me to believe I am wrong. You alway fill the need for some reason to throw in things like calling me "junior" and excusing me of trying to school someone...oooooook...I am a junior soooo thanx?
So if you still have a problem let Ecks and Hex solve it because you and I are going no where with this.